The Flow of Life

Throughout my life’s journey, I’ve encountered numerous challenges, pains, and moments of adversity. These experiences, at times, felt like tests I needed to overcome, with tears and prayers as my allies. Through it all, I maintained a positive attitude, knowing that life’s trials were shaping me into a more resilient individual.

I’ve come to cultivate a deep and genuine sense of thankfulness for every single challenge that has crossed my path. These challenges, which at times may have seemed too great to overcome. But, have played an integral role in shaping the person I’ve become today.

You see, life has a remarkable way of presenting us with hurdles and hardships that test our resilience and determination. There were moments when it felt as though the universe was conspiring against me, and I couldn’t help but ponder why this was happening and I discovered the lesson behind it all.

As I reflect on my journey, I’m overwhelmed with gratitude for these challenges. They served as catalysts for personal growth and transformation. They pushed me to dig deeper within myself, to discover hidden reservoirs of strength that I might have otherwise never tapped into.

Through these trials, I’ve not only found greater strength but also a deeper connection to the world around me. They’ve ignited a profound sense of empathy and compassion within me. I’ve learned to appreciate my struggles, recognizing that everyone faces their battles, often hidden behind smiles and brave faces.

As time went on, I came to a deep realization that the emotions, pains, and sufferings I continually dwelled upon in my mind were causing me the most significant distress. I want to make it clear that I’m not perfect. I’ve made my fair share of mistakes. But it was through embracing gratitude that my life began to change for the better.

I vividly recall a time in my life when I found myself at rock bottom, losing all my possessions. My journey as a single mother to restart my life led me to take up a job at a restaurant, where I could only work for four hours each day. This constraint arose from the necessity to pick up my son, who was a two-hour bus ride away from my workplace.

During this challenging phase, I made a life-altering decision – I committed myself to becoming a delivery driver. However, a significant obstacle stood in my way: I didn’t own a car, and there was no way I could afford a down payment for one.

Nevertheless, I clung to an unwavering determination to reshape my life. At first, I rented a car. It was incredibly tough, with me earning just a little over $10 a day, equivalent to a dollar an hour. It may seem unconventional, but giving up was never an option for me. You see, I possess an unwavering commitment to persevere through challenges, and I don’t back down when faced with adversity.

From the Word of Wisdom of one of the great leaders Nelson Mandela.

“A man who is determined to change is unstoppable. “

It might seem surprising, but I genuinely value all the problems and challenges I’ve faced. Instead of seeing them as heavy burdens, I view them as stepping stones on my path to personal growth and self-discovery.

Certainly, my attitude toward these challenges has raised a few eyebrows and generated skepticism. Some people questioned my sanity when they saw me expressing gratitude even in the face of pain and suffering. Some couldn’t understand why I could be happy amid adversity and responded with laughter, insults, or ridicule. A few even believed that these tough challenges were punishments sent from a higher power.

But let’s consider a different perspective: What if these challenges, rather than being punishments, are opportunities for us to become better, kinder, and more resilient human beings? Perhaps they are the very things that shape us into the extraordinary individuals we have the potential to be.

I began to realize the incredible strength that resides within me. It was as if life was offering me a profound lesson, gently nudging me to grow, adapt, and evolve. These trials were not punishments; they were opportunities for me to discover my inner potential and unlock new dimensions of myself that I had never explored before.

Instead of dwelling on my past and playing the victim, I chose to move forward, replacing hatred with love. I made it my mission to become the best version of myself, not just for me but for my children.

I shared an important lesson with my son: “Flow with the currents of life; resisting might lead to struggle. Allow life to guide you towards your magnificent destination. But always keep your goals in sight and keep moving towards them. If you ever find it too challenging, pause and reflect. Perhaps life is gently nudging you onto a different, equally rewarding path.”

And then he asked, “Mama, is your life still good on tough days?” I responded, “Yes! My life is indeed wonderful!”

He then offered a profound perspective, saying, “You know, there are people out there facing even greater challenges, and what you consider a bad day might not be as tough as you think.” This reminded me of the resilience we can find within ourselves, even in the face of difficulties, and the importance of maintaining a positive outlook.

We often forget to be grateful for the things right in front of us. As I look back on my life, I’m immensely grateful for everything because, without those experiences, I wouldn’t be able to share this message.

I practiced gratitude for over four years, and in the beginning, I didn’t see immediate results. I still had a mountain of problems, but I started laughing. I realized that all I needed to do was to be still and let my Creator work for me. Allowing it to flow into my life naturally. I surrendered myself and let it be and have a great faith that good things it will come to me.

The beauty of my past has blossomed into the beautiful person I am today. Life unfolds for a reason, helping us understand the deeper meanings and unlocking answers. I learned that sometimes it felt like life was about to drown me, but I learned to shake it off, dive in, and go with the flow.

It may seem daunting, but when you analyze everything, it provides answers. Whenever a problem arises, I learned to refocus myself and let it be. If I can control it, I do my best; if not, I simply ride along.

And yes, it has carried me to beautiful destinations I never expected.

As I share this message, I hope it serves as a reminder that you too have the power to transform challenges into stepping stones, to find gratitude in adversity, and to uncover the incredible strength that resides within you. Embrace each challenge as an opportunity to grow, and you’ll be amazed at the beautiful person you’re becoming with every hurdle you overcome. Even if you may not fully understand it yet. Someday, along your journey, I genuinely believe you will remember this and allow yourself to go with the flow of life.