Discover the Childlike Magic

Picture a late summer afternoon. The sun casts a warm glow, like a painter in the sky, using its golden colors to light up the world. Its warm and enchanting touch captivated everyone who had the privilege to see it. This was no ordinary afternoon. It was a day when I took my son to the beach. Little did I know that this day would unfold into a heartwarming story. That reminds us all of the enchanting wonders of childhood.

Before we reached the pristine shoreline, I had a delightful surprise in store for my son – Italian ice and custard ice cream. His eyes twinkled with joy as he savored every bite, it was like capturing the essence of a perfect summer day in a scoop. With sheer excitement, he burst out, “Mama, this tastes exactly like it did the last time!” It was a delightful moment, as we fondly recalled the cherished memories from our previous adventures.

As we basked in the warmth of the California sun and indulged in our sweet treats, my son’s excitement was palpable. Overflowing with curiosity, he inquired, “Mama, how much longer will our beach adventure last?” But before I could reply, he confidently declared, “We’ve got a full 4 hours; plenty of time!” His enthusiasm was infectious, and it was a reminder of why I treasured these moments.

Our journey to the beach was a short half-mile walk from the parking lot, and every step was filled with anticipation. He shared his joy about being at the beach, even though he felt like it had been “almost a year” since our last visit (although it had only been two weeks).

We stumbled upon a tranquil beach oasis where he could play freely, and I settled in with a captivating book. After half an hour, I couldn’t resist joining in—crafting, building sandcastles, and witnessing his natural gift for forging connections with other children,– a testament to his natural ability to spread joy and to connect with others.

I returned to my book, allowing him to explore and play with the other children. Unexpectedly, he came back towards me, a determined look in his eyes, dragging a sizable mound of kelp. I couldn’t help but chuckle as I observed his unwavering determination and persistence. I couldn’t resist asking, “What’s happening here?” Grinning from ear to ear, he responded, “It’s all about the kelp, Mama! Kelp! Kelp! Kelp!”

He continued his effort to bring the kelp closer to me, sparking my curiosity. Finally, I asked, “Sweetie, what are these?” His eyes sparkled with joy and delight as he exclaimed, “Mama, do you realize? These are kelp!” My amazement knew no bounds; after living for 39 years, I had never known that these shimmering beings were referred to as kelp.

And the heartwarming twist – he revealed that these kelps were his gift to me, his way of ensuring I didn’t get bored while he played. I couldn’t stop laughing at his thoughtfulness. He described the kelp like a little salesperson, enthusiastically highlighting their unique qualities so I would understand it more.

I embraced the opportunity to join my son in our beachside explorations. He was like a young explorer, on a quest to uncover the mysteries of the shoreline.

He introduced me to the mesmerizing world of sand crabs. With the enthusiasm only a child possesses. He shared and revealed how these tiny creatures scurried across the sandy shores, seeking refuge in burrows. He patiently showed me where to find them, near the ebb and flow of the waves, where the sand was moist and cool.

What truly captivated me, was his determination to help me conquer my fear of touching these delicate creatures. He encouraged me with reassuring words and a contagious spirit of adventure. With trembling hands, I held one of these sand crabs in my palm, feeling its tiny legs gently tickling my skin. At that moment, I was overcome by the enchantment of life’s uncomplicated pleasures.

But what struck me most profoundly was the wisdom that children possess. In their world, wonder and playfulness are not just emotions; they are guiding principles.

In the end, we released the sand crab, watching it scurry back to its sandy haven. This act served as a reminder that we should maintain to connection with nature and savor life’s precious moments.

It underscored the idea that, as adults, we often allow the hustle and bustle of daily life to obscure the beauty around us, forgetting our curiosity. My son, with his childlike wonder, became my wise mentor. Amid the responsibilities of adulthood, he illuminated the importance of pausing, rekindling the enchantment of childhood, and wholeheartedly embracing the wonders that encircle us.

In his presence, I rediscovered a profound appreciation for the simple joys of life, uncovering deep beauty in the most uncomplicated moments.