Stop and Smell the Roses

If you have an opportunity to turn back time. What do you want to fix in your life and why?

I leave those answers to yourself.
My son asks me the same questions too.
I was speechless there are a lot of scenarios that possibly lead me to answer his question.
I took a deep breath, look at him straight into his eyes, and said:

“If I have the opportunity to turn back time to fix my life.
I like to fix when I was little to believe in myself more and push through even if nobody believes in me.
However, if I do that I will not gonna have you or your bother in my future. I do not want that to happen.
Perhaps, I will never change anything at all.
Instead, I will learn from it and do the opposite today and enjoy my moment with you.”

Life happens for a reason. Those problems and suffering I’ve been through, made me who I am today.
We all have busy schedules in our life but one thing we forgot is to “Stop and smell the Roses”
We forgot about the true meaning of life because we are too busy worrying or thinking about what to happen in the future.

I too, was guilty about this!

Distractions are ubiquitous and take me away from things that are most precious in my life.
As a human, we all get stressed out.

Double the stress if you are a parent.
Times 5 if you are a single parent.
Ten times if you have no family around you.
It maxes out if you are an immigrant, you do not have family, and nobody to depend on but you and yourself alone.
Maybe for some, they will say, “It’s easy” because they have never been through it.
But, stress goes up to the roof and beyond for those who go through it.

Over the years I perfected how to manage my stress.
I just laugh out loud instead of screaming.
I always find solutions to any problem no matter what. So why bother?
I concluded to let the problems, problem me. Until the problem cannot penetrate me anymore.
I do not want to think about my past and regret it every day.

I always set 1 whole day to be present with my son without entertaining work, social media, or a phone call and text.
I also turn off my phone and turn it back on if I truly need it, to eliminate distractions.
Someone asked me what if I will miss out on something important?
If I am with my loved ones I will never miss anything important at all.

While writing this I contemplate because I am still a work in progress in this area of my life.
3 weeks ago my son got sick for 2 weeks which means I didn’t work. I can’t even push through my business.
Maybe the Universe telling me something important.

I sat down meditated and listen to my intuition.
At first, I resist everything. Until I finally surrender.
That leads me to the next destination of my life.
The birth of my blog Loves Positivity.
My true desire and what I truly needed at this very moment of my life

Life happens for us, not to us.
Life never gives us exactly what we want. But life always gives us what we need the desire of our heart.

Right, when he got better I told him :

“Hey, let’s go for a round-trip train ride. I buy a coffee and you eat some ice cream and come back again.”

His eyes open wide and sparkle like diamonds. He was super happy.
On Valentine’s Day he surprises me. He cook me some fried rice and prepare his delightful valentines dinner for me.

I always exposed my vulnerability to my children.
Yes, I cried and thank him for doing such wondrous things always. Such a fine young man and yes!
Life is good! Now I do have my personal chef!

Life is like a photograph. Every move we do is a snapshot that we can’t copy.
That beautiful moment will not happen if I were not in my present moment.

“This is the Mothership of living our life.”

“To be at our PRESENT MOMENT”

Living in the present moment gives us the true meaning of life toward our goals and destination.
The truth is the journey is the destination itself.
You will create a momentum of a happy future ahead of you.
Those memories you created with your loved ones will catapult your life into great success that you
will never regret living and enjoying your life to the fullest.

Today, I encourage you to tell someone you love them, give someone your full attention when they speak,
You will be amazed at how special that single second of your life is that you gave to them.
Tell them you truly appreciate them.
Enjoy this precious life that we all experience here on this Earth.

Do not forget to give love, laugh more, “Stop and Smell the Roses”, and live in this wonderful present moment. NAMASTE!

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